Race, why make it a big deal…


After watching the provided video about the hippy telling me I have to have a plan in place to correct some individual that is acting or behaving in a racist manner towards another person, I concluded that the chap clearly has far too much time on his hands. Nowhere in the world has there ever been, and I doubt there ever will be total equality amongst humans and people of different race groups. What you feel or believe is your own opinion, and yes it’s fair to comment on someone’s statement if you are involved in the conversation and feel you have a different view. However, the notion of racism has exploded so far out of proportion that any negative comment made to someone from one race to another is now deemed to be a racial attack.

Racism is defined as discrimination against or hostility towards other races, giving rise to the belief that certain races are better than others and possess certain qualities and abilities. So would it be racist to say that the Chines are good at math, or the black Kenyans are great long distance runners? No? Even though I am singling out a specific race.

Now on the other hand, one’s car gets broken into and the blame is aimed at a certain race group. The thieves are apprehended and they are indeed the race group one has suggested. This is now evidently a fact, so was this a racist infliction?

More often than not, people that conger up the notion that a person of another race group is unprofessional, uncivilized or is a thief, even if this statement is of a factual basis, the remark is often said to be racist only if the notion is directed outside one’s own race, even though the evidence is purely blatant. By correcting the person without knowing the facts at hand, aren’t you yourself being ignorant and simultaneously bias?

 A spade is a spade no matter what color it is, and by pointing out racial differences every time a comment is passed across the room, aren’t you just making inequality and racism a bigger issue? If he’s and idiot, call him an idiot, no matter what race he may be.



Stay classy

2 thoughts on “Race, why make it a big deal…

  1. I agree, “If he’s and idiot, call him an idiot, no matter what race he may be.” It’s the behaviour that is the problem.

  2. stjohntaft says:

    Jarryd Pagel you are indeed making some very interesting points here in this very well written and thought out blog. I have to agree with you and say that a spade is a spade no matter the race.
    I FEEL that race is not a problem because you hear in songs and from fellow peers who are black/coloured dropping “K” and “N” bombs like it aint no bodies business. But yet its fine for them to say it and if a white person has to drop one then its racist. why is that?
    Is that because of apartheid or is it society? because these hardcore rappers in the states had nothing to do with apartheid, so whats there excuse? I don’t know.. that’s just my OPINION and FEELINGS

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